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4 articles

iPhone & iPad: Set up Office 365 Email

This video and the instructions below it explain how to set up your Office 365 email account in the mail app that came on your iPhone or iPad. 1. Tap Settings. 2. Tap Accounts & Passwords. 3. Tap Add Account. 4. Tap Exchange. 5. Enter your Email address and a short Description (e...

How do I set up a mailbox using IMAP on my device or mail client?

Our basic hosting mailboxes can be loaded onto your device or through your mail client either with a POP3 connection or an IMAP connection. By using an IMAP connection, you can have multiple clients simultaneously connected to the same mailbox. For example, you can have email on your phone, you...

Set Up Email in Outlook 2016, 2013 or 2010 for Office 365

This article is supplied by Microsoft. The original can be seen here. These steps describe how to set up your email account using Outlook 2013 or Outlook 2010 on your PC. Got a Mac? See Set up email in Outlook for Mac or Set up email in Outlook for Mac 2011. If you want to set up Outloo...

Can I Get My Email On My iPhone Or iPad?

iPhone and iPad email set up You can setup your iPhone or iPad to receive mail from one of your mailboxes as follows: Go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > Other > Add Mail Account On the next screen enter the following settings: Name: Your name as you would like recipient...